Saturday, May 30, 2015

New Cover for A Demon's Gift #99Cents

I had to give A Demon's Gift a new cover because the old one SUCKED! 

It took me a while to realize it, but I finally did and made a change, I think, for the better. Much better!

What do you think?

Here's an excerpt:

A throaty, sexy chuckle reached her ears. Her skin instantly heated, prickled. Damn it. The cells were soundproof, but somehow the guards or Bix always managed to leave his intercom on when she was in the room. She whipped around and glared at him through the thick glass enclosure which served as his prison. “Shut up, demon.”
His lips turned down in an exaggerated frown. “I couldn’t help myself. Your childish gesture amused me. And how many times do I have to ask you to call me by my name? Say it with me—Argoth.”
It was his fault. The reason she had to keep proving her fighting skills, the reason she hadn’t made certification, the reason she was stuck down there every damn day. She’d learned to somewhat resist the manipulation of several of the others she’d been pitted against but not his. Amused him, did she? Well, let him be amused. He might be her weakness, but she knew his weakness too.
She sauntered over to his cell and slowly pulled her sweaty tank top over her head, exposing her fight-toned stomach. His eyes darkened as they travelled slowly up and down her body before finally settling on her breasts that were clad in only a thin sports bra.
He was a sex demon and had been denied all but self-release since being captured and locked up three months earlier. Denying a sex demon sex was like denying a crack addict crack—except the sex was actually good for the demon.
Her gaze dropped to his crotch and she gulped at the unmistakable bulge there. That damn sexy chuckle floated through the intercom again.
“Don’t play games you can’t control, Delia.”
“I’m in perfect control. You’re the one locked up. And don’t call me that.”
“Yes, I can see your perfect control. I’m certain it could cut through this glass and free me. Think of what we could do if you freed me…Delia.”
She followed his gaze to her chest where her painfully hard nipples peeked through the fabric of the sports bra. His voice dulled her good sense and images of what they could do floated through her mind before she regained control and snapped out of it. Goddamn it.
“Whatever. At least I get to go home, shower and find a lover.” She pressed her breasts against the glass, lowering her voice to a sultry whisper. “When he’s deep inside me, fucking me to ecstasy, I’ll think of you.” She blew him a kiss. He growled, real anger contorting his handsome face. “Oh wait. No I won’t.” She flicked his intercom off and flipped him the finger before leaving the room.

Only 99 Cents on Amazon. $2.99 everywhere else.

Thanks for checking it out!

Only 99 Cents on Amazon. $2.99 everywhere else.
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